Well looky who is judging whom!!!!
7 day suspension - Posted: Today, 02:03 AM
You are trolling. Also, you are making derogatory remarks about the community.And you call yourself a Christian?
but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence,"(1 Pet. 3:15, NASB). Are you one of those "Christians" who use the religion and the name of its Lord, to further your OWN cause? Christ said much about this you know. Regardless, you certainly are not furthering Christ's message. Your actions do quite the opposite.As a result, you have been given a 7 day suspension to cool off. Perhaps after then, you'll attempt to behave a little more maturely...or just find another community to participate in. BTW: I'm the founder, owner, and administrator of ODN. I'm not a liberal by any means. Your words reveal much my young friend. Unfortunately, what is revealed, isn't very something that is valued or strived for here.
__________________-=]Apokalupsis[=-Senior Administrator
Well looky here, I wonder who at ODN is actually upset with steerpikepie, not shadow knight, not kevin browning, not booger......it seems this power hungry person who I have never spoken to decided that I wasn't Christian enough for his liking, or he banned me for what my blog says. I was quite happy last night after being in the Pub and making friends there. This is interesting......but not surprising. I bet he thinks he is a master debater and doesn't want to debate me. :(
Censorship, the last resort of the stupid.
You are trolling. Also, you are making derogatory remarks about the community.And you call yourself a Christian?
but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence,"(1 Pet. 3:15, NASB). Are you one of those "Christians" who use the religion and the name of its Lord, to further your OWN cause? Christ said much about this you know. Regardless, you certainly are not furthering Christ's message. Your actions do quite the opposite.As a result, you have been given a 7 day suspension to cool off. Perhaps after then, you'll attempt to behave a little more maturely...or just find another community to participate in. BTW: I'm the founder, owner, and administrator of ODN. I'm not a liberal by any means. Your words reveal much my young friend. Unfortunately, what is revealed, isn't very something that is valued or strived for here.
__________________-=]Apokalupsis[=-Senior Administrator
Well looky here, I wonder who at ODN is actually upset with steerpikepie, not shadow knight, not kevin browning, not booger......it seems this power hungry person who I have never spoken to decided that I wasn't Christian enough for his liking, or he banned me for what my blog says. I was quite happy last night after being in the Pub and making friends there. This is interesting......but not surprising. I bet he thinks he is a master debater and doesn't want to debate me. :(
Censorship, the last resort of the stupid.
And I thought that calling people troll was against your rules, Founder, Owner and Mod God in your mind.
Fucking hypocrite.
Anonymous said...
ODN's not full of trolls, that's why you were banned. We make a point to harbor a reasonably civil debating environment. If you can't handle that, maybe your 1 member debate board will take off...I somehow doubt it though...
1:05 PM
Steer Pike Pie said...
Ummm, first of all let me say, that you are trolling here right now. Just so you know.
Second, ODN didn't ban me, they suspended me AFTER they had already removed my thread and I spoke to kevin about it and we reached an understanding and me and sk are the best of friends so ummmmm, what were you doing here again?????? Hmmm, anonymous?? If that is your REAL name.....
3:31 PM
Steer Pike Pie said...
BTW, why the hell did you post that crap on this particular thread? Could you be stoopid?
3:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Actually, I'm one of the SuperMods at ODN...you've been suspended for 7 days. No big deal. Return the way you left, and you will be banned. It's not hard to comprehend.
Let's see...am I "stoopid"? Hmmm...nah, I think you've got me beat on that one.
5:00 PM
Steer Pike Pie said...
Ummm and how did I leave? Give me a break man, you (and I am sure you are the Andyodlkolisisisis) just can't handle the traffic I create. I left there last night being friends with everyone....you looser. :)
I am another moderator at ODN and given your actions, I think it was right that Apokalupsis gave you the seven day suspension. You have proclaimed yourself a great debater, yet those words carry no actual substance. All you have done is posted short, substance-less posts. As well you have attacked the integrity of some of ODN's members without basis. Your suspension was very much deserved and if you expect to be able to debate, simply follow the rules on spaming and flaming. Whether you see yourself as a troll or not, you were engaging in troll-like behaviors, and for that there are consequences. Live with it.
I dare you to name one member who felt insulted by me. Again you come now to my home and call me a troll. I think you need to grow up and check yourself. You are such a fucking hypocrite hiding behind your anoymous name. For all I know you are just some liar and have nothing to do with ODN. I mean, you sure don't seem to have a grasp on anything I did over there. In fact, I remember seeing a member in the shoutbox very angry that you had removed my thread.
I mean, you really look stoopid, do you realize that? I don't think you do. Everyone reading this does though. :)
You need to run along now, you have nothing to do here but continue trolling, as you are obviously not interested in joining in any of the debates. :)
Actually, if you want to know, I am Neverending. However I don't have an account on this site, so I can't have a user name show up. You don't even seem to know this new interface. As for insulting, you are correct that no one was insulted because no one took you seriously. However, you were posting substanceless messages and were violating the rules by flaming. We can be a bit flexible with the rules, especially with new members; however, you were not offering anything to the debate. You just posted your position and when it was picked apart (which was a rather easy thing to do) you simply posted more of the same and finally resorted to flaming.
If you want to be taken seriously, you should first take some time to be self-critical. You came in quite pompously declaring yourself a god and an excellent debater. When you showed that you were not what you made yourself out to be, people began to feel that you were wasting their time and the thread became a game to see how stupid you could get. This is not healthy for debate at the site.
I myself am not entirely certain that you were being serious to any degree. So, if you really want to debate at ODN and prove yourself, then use some logic and some respect. Once you do that, there shouldn't be a problem.
You don't know how to make an account and I am the one with problems??
LOL!! You are such an idiot. My thread was removed for a long time before I was banned, you need to try again, dumbass. As for the flaming, I didn't start it but I went along with their game.
You need to admit you are envious of me, my thread was grwing too fast for your ego to take. You are a stoopid most probably woman with a really gay screen name if you even are this neverending broad. People at ODN were VERY upset my thread was removed.
You have no clue how to debate, you are a looser who sits around on your fat ass all day feeling lke you mean something to society because you moderate a really lame chat board.
You are right, I am not God, you are!! ROTFLMAO!!!!
They have no reasn to have suspended me, truthfully. I think it is rather funny, and if you read the message I was sent, you will see I was banned for not living up to Adndrilicipusses image of how a Christian should be.
Jesus weeps.
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You said: You don't know how to make an account and I am the one with problems??I say: Actually, I really hadn't thought of starting a blog, but now that you said that, I have. I really didn't see the point of making an account just to reply to your post.
You said: LOL!! You are such an idiot. My thread was removed for a long time before I was banned, you need to try again, dumbass. As for the flaming, I didn't start it but I went along with their game.I say: You continued after your thread, including some comments in the shoutbox. And if you felt you were being attacked you could have reported the offending post to the moderators or sent a private message to the offender. Instead, you chose to violate the rules repeatedly. Of course, if your dialogue here is indicative of your personality and "debate style", I would say that you are prone to such rule-breaking.
You said: You need to admit you are envious of me, my thread was grwing too fast for your ego to take. You are a stoopid most probably woman with a really gay screen name if you even are this neverending broad. People at ODN were VERY upset my thread was removed.I say: Why should I be envious of you? You obviously don't understand the functionings of domestic or geopolitics though you seem quite convinced that you do. As for people being upset, a few were disappointed because they thought you'd be fun to play with. Self-righteous idiots amuse some people.
You said: You have no clue how to debate, you are a looser who sits around on your fat ass all day feeling lke you mean something to society because you moderate a really lame chat board.I say: Wow, you very adequately demonstrate that making baseless assumptions makes people sound like asses.
What did I say in the shoutbox? Nothing really. And there are no rules there anyway, according to kevin, that is what he said at the time. I wasn't saying shit and you know it. AND I had just made friends with everyone so my dear, you are full of shit, you've created a shit typhoon for yourself, thinking you are the shit captain of a shitliner and that you can ban people for trolling and then turn around and come to their homes and continue your shitways.
Allow me the latitude on your site, that you are taking on mine.....ohhhhh, but that wouldn't be hypocritical enough for you....considering your behavior here is at least 17 times worse than mine was on your board, in fact everyone seemed to enjoy my thread, cept the stoopids, and well, nothing will open their eyes to the truth anyway.
Right, Stoopid????
I think you know what you did wrong. If you do not, then I pity you, and perhaps ODN is not the right forum for you. It doesn't make much of a difference to me.
I did wrong, that is enough for me to know. I pity that you do not know what it is that I did wrong any more than I do, and yet in your sweaty palmed little way, you know it was something. :)
You have a crush on me. It's cute and all, at first I thought you were a broad, but I hear now that you are claiming to be a guy. Bro, I don't care what you do in your bedroom, I am so not interested that it makes me sick. I am 123% a man though, and not into any of that gay stuff. So like, don't get any funny ideas!
BTW, I think it does make a difference to you....admit it....you LOVE me, you sick freak!
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