Wrestling, Homosexuality & Liberalism
Of all sports known to man, wrestling is by far the most homosexual. Shaved, half naked men telling each other to "suck it" while rolling around on the floor, their oiled naked flesh glistening under the spotlight. And who are the biggest fans of this "sport"? Teenaged boys and overweight middle-aged men. Sounds like the composition of a NAMBLA meeting to me. Why do we allow this sport to continue? Can no one see what it is doing to our children? And to our middle-aged men? It is turning them all into a bunch of bleeding faeries!
Liberals of course love wrestling, as it suits their homosexual agenda. Liberals who are not homosexuals are at least homophiles, and will do anything to further spread the disease of homosexuality. In wrestling they have what might not immediately appear to the naked eye to be pro-homosexual: after all it is portrayed as a simulated combat of sorts and there are on occasion half-naked females, but even the women look like men and are merely there for the lesbians in the audience and the simulated combat is all to further the homosexual agenda. The Spartans were the greatest military power in Greece yet they were all a bunch of bleeding faeries.
Wrestling needs to end. Homosexuality needs to end. Liberalism needs to end.
Tyrrany needs to end.
See you at NASCAR.
Liberals of course love wrestling, as it suits their homosexual agenda. Liberals who are not homosexuals are at least homophiles, and will do anything to further spread the disease of homosexuality. In wrestling they have what might not immediately appear to the naked eye to be pro-homosexual: after all it is portrayed as a simulated combat of sorts and there are on occasion half-naked females, but even the women look like men and are merely there for the lesbians in the audience and the simulated combat is all to further the homosexual agenda. The Spartans were the greatest military power in Greece yet they were all a bunch of bleeding faeries.
Wrestling needs to end. Homosexuality needs to end. Liberalism needs to end.
Tyrrany needs to end.
See you at NASCAR.
Hehe. I can tell that this post was inspired by the thread at the Online Debate Network.
I look forward to debating against you.
- emtee10 from ODN
By the way, if you're interested in debating the stuff that you posted in your blog, I am so there.
emtee10, I would love to debate you, on any topic at any time. ODN seems to be full of trolls however.
But if you wish to be humiliated in debate, well then I would be more than happy to humilate you. :)
The "suck it" stuff may have ended 6 years ago, but that doesn't stop overweight middle-aged men from using it in their signatures as if it is the best line they have ever heard. Not only is it sexist, disgusting and immoral, but it is common.
So you like to watch women who have the bodies of men, with added plastic in the breast area, throw each other around? I would say that makes you borderline gay. I mean, can you tell a tranny from a female wrestler? They are both old looking, tired looking and have wrinkles aroung their mouths.
You are not conservative I don't think. I do hope that you talk to Jesus and realize that He hates to see you watching what amounts to little more than soft porn with added violence. Please pray, and I will pray for you too.
Soft "gay" porn that is.
Yeah I saw that old hag, Sable or whatever in playboy....if that is your idea of a real woman, well no wonder you ain't getting any.
Personal insults? I was trying to be helpful, but if you like playing with yourself, what can I do?????
The Pope = Satan
Papistry is one of the greatest threats to America.
ODN's not full of trolls, that's why you were banned. We make a point to harbor a reasonably civil debating environment. If you can't handle that, maybe your 1 member debate board will take off...I somehow doubt it though...
Ummm, first of all let me say, that you are trolling here right now. Just so you know.
Second, ODN didn't ban me, they suspended me AFTER they had already removed my thread and I spoke to kevin about it and we reached an understanding and me and sk are the best of friends so ummmmm, what were you doing here again?????? Hmmm, anonymous?? If that is your REAL name.....
BTW, why the hell did you post that crap on this particular thread? Could you be stoopid?
Actually, I'm one of the SuperMods at ODN...you've been suspended for 7 days. No big deal. Return the way you left, and you will be banned. It's not hard to comprehend.
Let's see...am I "stoopid"? Hmmm...nah, I think you've got me beat on that one.
Ummm and how did I leave? Give me a break man, you (and I am sure you are the Andyodlkolisisisis) just can't handle the traffic I create. I left there last night being friends with everyone....you looser. :)
Who there doesn't like steerpikepie? Hmmmm???
You just don't like the fact that the spotlight would always be on me, and not you. LOL! :)
I love the hypocritical Harrison, he fucks frogs I have heard, I also heard first he wraps them in duct tape so they won't explode. Not that his dick is big enough to explode a frog.
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